Milk Paint – Part 2


Today I started applying milk paint to the lid, and then a second coat to the chest.  I was running low on milk paint powder by now though, so I mixed it quite thin.  I let it dry and did a second thin coat on the lid.  I have a feeling I will need to buy some more.

I don’t think I mentioned before, but I have been hand sanding lightly between each coat with 320 grit sandpaper.


After buying another packet of milk paint, today I applied a third coat to the lid, and did some touch ups on the chest.


After lightly hand-sanding the final coat of milk paint, I applied some polymerized tung oil; the same finish I used on my workbench.  This should add a little extra protection, a hint of gloss, and tints the paint a shade darker.

After that, I peeled off all the blue tape.  I wasn’t surprised that the thin milk paint had seeped under the tape line in places, but all in all, it’s not too bad.  I was able to clean up the worst parts with a shoulder plane and chisel.