Tool Chest Side Panel Dovetails – Part 2
Today I started with marking the pins from the tails I had already sawed and chiseled. Normally I would place a pin board in the vise(s) and set the tail board on top to transfer the edge locations. But because the front and back panels were too long to fit transversely on the workbench, I jury-rigged a setup on the left end of the bench with clamps. It was less than ideal, but it worked.
After marking everything with a Veritas striking knife (a type of marking knife), I then went back over the marks with a drafting pencil, and used a square to add the vertical lines. Then I began sawing the pins.
I used a coping saw to remove most of the waste between the pins.
After roughing out the pins on both sides of that panel, I moved to the next phase of chopping most of the remaining waste with a Narex chisel and mallet.
I then switched to Ashley Iles paring chisels to pare down to the baseline.