Backsaw Till


I never really designed a proper place to store my backsaws.  So they have been sharing slots with the panel saws in the saw till.  It works, but I have to pull a backsaw out every time I want one of the panel saws.

Recently, Popular Woodworking editor Megan Fitzpatrick posted about the backsaw and tool rack she built for the front of her tool chest.  I liked the backsaw storage idea, so I decided to build a version without the holes for chisels and other small tools.

Rummaging through the scraps, I found a piece from the top sliding tray build where I had messed up the dovetails and abandoned it.  By trimming the partial dovetails off I had a piece long enough to fit further down in the chest.  From another small scrap, I cut out some standoff blocks.  I laid out the arrangement on the bench.


I tried to glue the standoff blocks to the long piece, but the glue was well past the expiration date and didn’t hold.  So I used some doublestick tape instead.

I drilled and countersunk holes for some brass screws to attach the till to the front of the chest.  I used a scrap and a wedge to hold each standoff tight to the wall of the chest while I tightened the screw.

I had to sacrifice the last slot of the lower till, as there’s now no way to get a saw in and out of there.  It was a saw I wasn’t really using anyway, so not a big loss.  Both the backsaws and the panel saws are now much easier to access.