Drawer Two – Part 2
Today I started tweaking the drawer sides until they fit between the guides.
But in my zeal, I overplaned one of them so that the vertical fit was too loose towards one end. Oh great. It happens to be the side that ended up too narrow in thickness as well. Given both of these issues, I debated whether I should resaw out an entire new piece to replace it.
Putting that off, I plowed the drawer bottom grooves.
I decided to go ahead and make a new drawer side. So I resawed, planed, fitted, and plowed a groove all over again.
Then I started the dovetails. This time, I added a little trick I learned from Christopher Schwarz: planing a shallow rabbet on the back of the tail boards to help register them when transferring the marks for the pins. I had seen a blog post about the Port Townsend School of Woodworking using a little $10 gooseneck LED lamp called a JANSJÖ as a worklight. This is the first item I have ever purchased from the Swedish purveyor of pressboard furniture. Just sayin’. Also, “Fleep de pancake, börk börk börk!”