Moxon Vise – The Leather
I still had some thick leather left over from the workbench vises. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a piece large enough to cover the entire chop. So I went back to Oregon Leather and bought a scrap of upholstery leather, about 1/16″ thick, and cut out an oversized piece. On the workbench vises, I used contact cement to attach the leather. This time I decided to use yellow PVA glue.
I put down some wax paper to protect the back of the vise as I used it for a clamping pad. All my bar clamps were pressed into service. I used my holdfasts on the opposite side, but really should have had more clamping pressure along there as well. I put the eventual top of the vise towards the clamps, figuring that would be the most important edge.
I trimmed the leather to the size of the chop. In a few sections along the edges, the leather had not glued down to the wood. I used some superglue to fix these spots.