Summer Progress
The Yellow Wax Bells are blooming… is blooming? One plant with a plural name. Well anyway, I like the flowers. This is supposed to become a big shrubby plant eventually, but last winter it died down to the ground, and it’s not a whole lot bigger this year, so I’m not sure.
Bought two Bowles Variety Myrtles today for the corner planting bed.
Bought a bunch of plants for the west garden today, but also a couple for the corner planting bed.
Jacob’s Ladder; cute little guy. Fragrant Sarcococca.
At Fred Meyer today, I browsed through the garden section, and decided to pick up four of these red Cyclamens. There are a number of species but this one, Cyclamen persicum, is the source of the delicate Cyclamens you may have seen in floral arrangements. The originals are native to the eastern half of the Mediterranean, particularly Anatolia and the Levant. (For those of you unfamiliar with antiquated geographical names, that’s Turkey, and a region roughly including Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Jordan.) Cyclamen persicum is not as hardy as some of the other species, but apparently they can handle a short frost or two. A long freeze will take them down to the ground though, and it may take two or three years for them to put up leaves and blooms again. Or, they might recover in the spring.
Big mushrooms growing in the planting bed on the north side. I’m not a shroom expert by any means, so I don’t know if these are edible or not (not a fan of eating them anyway). Apparently someone took a bite out of one though!