Pending Sale?
The RMLS listing for the house next door has shown “Pending” for about a month now. Someone actually bought the place? I haven’t seen any activity over there, but it does take time to get through the process.
Meanwhile, a couple weeks ago I was browsing through houses for rent on Craigslist, and ran across a listing for that house. I can’t quite figure this all out, but I suppose someone is buying the house with the intention of renting it out? Why didn’t the original owner just keep renting it out instead of letting it sit empty for the past six months or more? The whole thing seems a little screwy to me.
Also, last fall a new house was built half a block down my other street. It is a two-story house on a 50x50 lot, snugged up between the apartments across the street from me on one side, a corner house on the other side (this lot must have once been their back yard), and the lot of another house back behind. The house was built out to the setback minimums all around, so there’s only five feet between the sides and back of the house and the fences. In front they have about fifteen feet. This house is listed at $239,950, and is also “Pending”.